Ioana’s Piece of Work-Street Art

“Aren’t you scared ? Ioana,don’t leave me here .” were my younger brother’s words before I turned my back on him,on them. We all hope for a better life, for some kind of achievements. In the end we are just running away from something trying to embrace a new life. Four hours and few insignificant minutes until I will have to face my departure. Those seconds were the heaviest though ,passing by so slow ,it feels like I am carrying each moment’s tale on my shoulders. I know, I will miss the smell of this room, those scary shades coming from the screams of a scared lady outside. I leave you all behind, your sick jokes, your scared little faces. It can’t be so hard.

Some squeaky door opened, “wake up Romanian” ,it’s the loveliest way of saying good morning to someone you don’t know. Try to pretend you don’t want to know her name, you don’t want to hear what she has to say. It’s just a scared little girl, not the first one or the last one who will come. “Many like you’ve been here before, missy.”

I can be the first one ,I can achieve my dreams, I can be set as an example. Give me the chance to do that. But the words  were boiling inside of her, somehow she couldn’t hear herself saying them. Slow it down little girl,try to spell it out.

Lately I’ve become more and more interested about this subject. I choose to think the world is a better place than it really is so after a gathering with my buddies I decided to google some stuff on the internet . The first thing I found was some guy’s blog where he posted something about sexism: “Where is the kitchen, is all a woman has to know “.His name is John and he describes himself as a peace-loving guy. I was trying to understand why would he threw those words there. Did he realize the big wave is going to come? So I scroll down the page and I read an interesting mix of comments “haha ,well said “ or “ Oh John,how can u be so mean “ . It still makes me wonder what did he mean by that. Did he just try to see what the other people think , was he waiting for his followers congrats or for some mean comments coming from the upset women there.

It’s late and pointless. I’ll just turn off my laptop and head to sleep. Tomorrow is another day, another chance to discover new ways of being humbled.

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