Letter to Self

Dear Ioana,

I’m so excited finally get to see you. In 2 days I’ll be in Coventry, the town of the future you would say. I would really appreciate if when I will arrive there you are going to meet me, so we can talk for a bit. Maybe you can help giving me some tips about my new and exciting life. Being a fresher is so appealing. I had a dream few nights ago. I was lost in this city. Didn’t know what to expect,  didn’t know what to do first. I was planning to be a PR girl. I still get the thrill when I say that ,the excitement and the thirst for new and interesting things .I hope in the second year ill manage to slow down that feeling , to put my thoughts in order. I want to learn so much about the world of Advertising ,it’s incredible that someday we will both be there.

If I learnt something from my parents , is that sticking together is really important for us two. I won’t lose myself in this crowd. I’ll keep my personality untouched and won’t be afraid to show the world who I really am. The rest, will come in time: fame, money, professional success.

Oh… and yes, I will save the world, I’ll bring the peace through my adverts, fight for the animals rights , give fashion another meaning and advise the young people to follow their dreams . I found out that I do have a voice, I just have to find  a way to reach it.

But enough about dreams and purposes, I am curious about how hard is to find a job there. Will I be able to stop from shopping in time? All these kind of questions make me worry, but I know it will be fine. In the end, it’s the kind of freedom we asked for. I hope you’ll answer to me as soon as you can.



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